Asylum of the Suicidal Monkey

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

The time has come, the walrus said...

So it has.... Time for the world to hear of the random thoughts, incidences, and adventures that arise during my crazy life. Ye be warned though, it may not be pretty, and at times you may be left with thoughts like "what kind of drugs is this kid on?" The truth is no kinds of drugs, and as crazy as it might seem to some of you, I have never taken a drug in my life. Not because they're illegal, not because society deems them unacceptable, but because I am so scared that I will like them.

Seriously though, enjoy the randomness but always remember not to take anything too seriously. If you get offended... get over it. If you go through life worrying about every little thing that somebody says.... well then your life will just plain suck.


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