"Did I fall or was I pushed"
Why do most my titles come from lyrics in songs? And usually songs no one has ever heard of. Interesting...
I was walking out to my mailbox this evening, and the night's in that phase where it's not quite dark, but it's darkish, and then it's slightly raining so the overcast sky casts this dim haze among everything. As I near the group of mailboxes militarily aligned in perfect formation there is a woman getting into her box on the same post as mine. I could see she was going to finish up and turn to leave just as I come in perfect position to spook the hell out of her. It was too late though, it all seemed to happen in slow motion just as I had foreseen it. She turns unsuspectingly, begins to proceed out of the ranks, then catches me there in the peripheral. She jumps. I smirkingly say "I'm so sorry, I knew I was going to startle you." to which she laughingly responds "That's alright."
What can you do in those situations? There are instances while lifing where you innocently approach someone and know you're going to freak them the hell out, but what can you do to prevent it? You could maybe warn them somehow, but it seems kind of silly when walking up to someone to blurt out a caution, and usually by the time you realize what's going to happen you don't come to that conclusion quick enough. Oh well. Once it occurs and the other person realizes they aren't being ambushed it just becomes a laughable moment. And now days while observing people throughout my daily routine, I notice they could really use more instances like that to liven up the day.
I was walking out to my mailbox this evening, and the night's in that phase where it's not quite dark, but it's darkish, and then it's slightly raining so the overcast sky casts this dim haze among everything. As I near the group of mailboxes militarily aligned in perfect formation there is a woman getting into her box on the same post as mine. I could see she was going to finish up and turn to leave just as I come in perfect position to spook the hell out of her. It was too late though, it all seemed to happen in slow motion just as I had foreseen it. She turns unsuspectingly, begins to proceed out of the ranks, then catches me there in the peripheral. She jumps. I smirkingly say "I'm so sorry, I knew I was going to startle you." to which she laughingly responds "That's alright."
What can you do in those situations? There are instances while lifing where you innocently approach someone and know you're going to freak them the hell out, but what can you do to prevent it? You could maybe warn them somehow, but it seems kind of silly when walking up to someone to blurt out a caution, and usually by the time you realize what's going to happen you don't come to that conclusion quick enough. Oh well. Once it occurs and the other person realizes they aren't being ambushed it just becomes a laughable moment. And now days while observing people throughout my daily routine, I notice they could really use more instances like that to liven up the day.
Right after she said "that's alright" you should have punched her in the face and raped her. Now that's irony.
Anonymous, at 3/16/2007 6:49 PM
Nice... She freaks out, then realizes she's ok, then gets ambushed when she REALLY doesn't expect it.
I suppose that could liven up someone's day too...
"You thought you were safe! but you weren't... But you thought you were!"
Slick, at 3/16/2007 11:41 PM
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