Be Afraid... Be Very Afraid
I got to thinking yesterday while I was making the 2 mile hike to my first class of the day and as most of you know that usually ends with another crazy random wild thought. Without further delay...
I figured out the real reason why the country doesn't switch to hydrogen powered cars. It turns out it's as simple as everything else in the world ends up being. It's a conspiracy by Hollywood.
You see, liquid hydrogen, which is what these new cars would run on, is not flammable. Hydrogen in it's liquid state doesn't explode. So you see, if cars were running on a fuel that doesn't explode there goes half of all movie plots out the window. Guy gets in a car chase with mafia, or other bad guys, mafia cars crash into things, like construction barrels or rose bushes, and instantly explode. Simple... Hollywood conspiracy.
Hollywood can't keep this up forever though. Eventually we'll all be driving hydrogen powered cars and when that happens the world will be a better place. Not because the world will be cleaner... hell no, who cares about that. But because half of all the crappy movies produced won't ever be released anymore.
So remember, hydrogen isn't being held back due to the high changeover cost of switching the country to hydrogen fuel... It's allll Hollywood.
Stow that away for a rainy day...
I figured out the real reason why the country doesn't switch to hydrogen powered cars. It turns out it's as simple as everything else in the world ends up being. It's a conspiracy by Hollywood.
You see, liquid hydrogen, which is what these new cars would run on, is not flammable. Hydrogen in it's liquid state doesn't explode. So you see, if cars were running on a fuel that doesn't explode there goes half of all movie plots out the window. Guy gets in a car chase with mafia, or other bad guys, mafia cars crash into things, like construction barrels or rose bushes, and instantly explode. Simple... Hollywood conspiracy.
Hollywood can't keep this up forever though. Eventually we'll all be driving hydrogen powered cars and when that happens the world will be a better place. Not because the world will be cleaner... hell no, who cares about that. But because half of all the crappy movies produced won't ever be released anymore.
So remember, hydrogen isn't being held back due to the high changeover cost of switching the country to hydrogen fuel... It's allll Hollywood.
Stow that away for a rainy day...
Yeah, those Hollywood commies are always holding us down. But maybe in Rambo 8 he could shoot a full cell car with his bow and create a NUCLEAR explosion that kills all the bad guys. I think I'm onto something. But to appease the Hollywoodies, I think they should sell fuel cell cars with standard explosive bumpers. That way we'll have the great explosions without funding terrorism...or seeing Sylvester Stallone try to play-make-believe-pretend that he's acting.
Anonymous, at 10/12/2005 10:28 PM
what in the world would we do without those quality movies??
All of those good actors like Steven Seagal, Sylvester Stallonem Jean-Claude Van Damme, Keanu Reeves, and many more would be out of our lives and have no jobs. Wait, thats a good thing...
I guess I do like to see on of those movies ever now and then, they are always good for a laugh.
Bottom Line America: Hollywood is fake, and actors make too much money.
Anonymous, at 10/14/2005 11:43 AM
Heeeey! I like the explosive bumpers idea. With that so many people that are complete idiots when they drive would be so scared of hitting something that they would actually pay attention to the road. Tremendous idea!!
Slick, at 10/14/2005 12:59 PM
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