Asylum of the Suicidal Monkey

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Nothing is More Scary than a Clown in the Dark

Interesting drive I had the other day with NoTurn. We decided to go golfing, so we had to pick up some cheap golf balls. You see we aren't exactly professionals on the golf course. This is totally unrelated, but he lost 3 balls that day and I lost none, and his score was about 9 strokes lower than mine. I'd call that a tie! Isn't that a good thing when you don't lose any balls? Well.... Actually that probably just means that I can't hit the ball far enough to lose sight of it. Blast!! I thought I had a legitimate argument there for a second.

Back on track... The Turn and I were driving to the ghetto Meijer to get some cheap golf balls. We pull up to a stop light and I'm stopped there waiting to turn left. As I'm waiting I glance over to my left and see a group of clowns standing there next to the road I'm about to turn onto. I immediately think "who are these clowns?" Then I get a better look...... They weren't clowns at all... It was the bus stop.

It's a true story! I felt so bad. They were just a group of really goofy looking people, and at first glance they looked like clowns.

We proceed to drive to Meijer and pull into the parking lot. At the south side of the lot there is a wire fence and we were driving along it and up ahead a ways there was a guy going over the fence. As we got closer we could see the guy was all hung up on the fence. He couldn't get one of his legs free. He looked like a ballet dancer stretching, with one leg way up high caught in the fence. We tried so hard not to burst out laughing while we were driving towards him. I finally turn down a row of spaces and we just started laughing soooo hard. I felt so bad for the guy, but I couldn't help laughing, it was quite humorous.

I don't feel like mentioning my race this week. All I'll mention is that I started 21st and finished 13th. My uncle, however, came into town to race at Spartan Speedway and he spanked em all by starting 11th and then winning.


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