Stupid People... The Reason the Earth Has a Wobble When it Spins
I'm driving home on the highway today, and boy do I love doing 80 on the 96/127 interchange. After I was on 96, I started coming up on a semi and so I jump in the passing lane just to find a car passing the semi. Well, I wouldn't say passing, seeing how they were only doing like 65. So I come up on them and wait for them to pass and get over. I'm not tailgating that bad, but enough to let em know "hey retard speed the hell up." I wasn't behind them very long and they got over and I sped to go by. As I did this they gave me the finger. What the crap? I mean sure I was doing 80 and came up on them, but they were doing 65 in the passing lane. What am I spose to do, let them hold up traffic all day long? I wanted so bad to get hold of them and slap them across the face a couple times like they do in the cartoons.
I find that I absolutely can not stand it when someone does something very stupid and they don't think they did, and I can't talk to them later just to ask, "what the hell?" That has happened to me several times lately, and it always eats me up inside for weeks. I had a run in on the racetrack like that last year, where a guy spun me out by hitting the rear of my car but didn't think it was his fault and tried to blame it on me. The difference here, though, was I DID get a chance to talk to him. He still thinks it was my fault, and I still think he's an idiot, but I had that chance to say to him, "what the hell?" And that made it all better.
Now, I have just got to post a few random quotes from a conversation with No Turn earlier. I'm done with exams, so I'm my "normal" self. But The Turn? Well... Just look...
rHu No Turn: Kurt can kiss my skinny white ass.
(In reference to Kurt Busch the racecar driver)
rHu No Turn: What are you planning on doing with all the left over metal? The narc doesn't live in Mason any more.
(That one will only be funny to a few select people... Although, there are only a few select people that view this site anyway.**)
rHu No Turn: No psych majors can even figure out chicks... I bet if you look at marriage councilors that half of them or more are divorced or never married.
rHu Driver: Or half of them are blown out of their minds just to stay sane.
rHu No Turn: Those are the ones that are still married.
rHu Driver: HAHAHAHA
rHu No Turn: I hate this crap. I would much rather be sleeping, playing sports, watching TV, playing video games, watching a movie, working, dead...
rHu Driver: hehe
rHu No Turn: notice I left out normal exercising, cuz that one is a toss up.
(In reference to studying)
rHu No Turn: And what's the deal with The Goke... He needs to update!
(well... frickin... said...)
I find that I absolutely can not stand it when someone does something very stupid and they don't think they did, and I can't talk to them later just to ask, "what the hell?" That has happened to me several times lately, and it always eats me up inside for weeks. I had a run in on the racetrack like that last year, where a guy spun me out by hitting the rear of my car but didn't think it was his fault and tried to blame it on me. The difference here, though, was I DID get a chance to talk to him. He still thinks it was my fault, and I still think he's an idiot, but I had that chance to say to him, "what the hell?" And that made it all better.
Now, I have just got to post a few random quotes from a conversation with No Turn earlier. I'm done with exams, so I'm my "normal" self. But The Turn? Well... Just look...
rHu No Turn: Kurt can kiss my skinny white ass.
(In reference to Kurt Busch the racecar driver)
rHu No Turn: What are you planning on doing with all the left over metal? The narc doesn't live in Mason any more.
(That one will only be funny to a few select people... Although, there are only a few select people that view this site anyway.**)
rHu No Turn: No psych majors can even figure out chicks... I bet if you look at marriage councilors that half of them or more are divorced or never married.
rHu Driver: Or half of them are blown out of their minds just to stay sane.
rHu No Turn: Those are the ones that are still married.
rHu Driver: HAHAHAHA
rHu No Turn: I hate this crap. I would much rather be sleeping, playing sports, watching TV, playing video games, watching a movie, working, dead...
rHu Driver: hehe
rHu No Turn: notice I left out normal exercising, cuz that one is a toss up.
(In reference to studying)
rHu No Turn: And what's the deal with The Goke... He needs to update!
(well... frickin... said...)
Someone got in the spotlight today
/me does the happy dance
I also hate stupid people. I wish when someone did something like that and gives me the bird i can pull out a 12-gauge and give them some bird shot, biatch.
How do i like them apples?
-Apple sauce, bitch
(quote from Jay and Silent Bob strike back)
on an extra note: I have a ton of school crap to burn
Anonymous, at 5/02/2005 6:06 PM
Heres my idea slick, let me mount a M2 .50 Cal machine gun in your right parking light of your car, that way when people take there damn time, you can fire some warning shots into their trunk haha.... mannnn i wanna also mount a stinger missle launcher in the jimmy so i can shoot at random things with missles.... wow that would be awesome.
Anonymous, at 5/03/2005 12:26 AM
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