"Hare Plane"
Boy, when I'm in the wonderful world of make believe I think of some trippy things. I'm sitting there listening... Well, not really listening... You all know what I mean... Anyway, I hear the prof say something about heirs. (For those of you that don't remember, this is my finance class.) So I start thinking... Heirs... Heirs... Errors... Heirs... Errors... "everybody's gotta learn sometiiime"... Heirs... Errors... Hey crazy!! (oh I had the Beck song "Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime" stuck in my head from the ES soundtrack all class long**) Is it coincidence that those two words sound alike? I mean, sometimes your heirs are... well... errors. That's Crazy!!
The professor for this class is sooo funny. He is THE biggest dork in the world. Finance is his life. He literally spends all his free time on the web monitoring the world of finance. He'll be like, "well just a couple hours ago Winn-Dixie went bankrupt." I'd turn to my friend Kristen and we'd just start laaaaughing. Today he made such a fool of himself. His overhead marker dies on him, so he takes a couple steps toward the trash and tosses the marker all smooth like half way across the room..... Completely misses the can by like 8 feet. I mean it wasn't even close! It just looked so silly... and I was laughing really hard... on the inside...
For some reason I've been wearing this cheeky little blue bracelet that glows in the dark. It really amuses me. I'll be walking into a room that's pitch black and be thinking "Hey my bracelet will light the way!" Well first of all it's not nearly bright enough to light up jack sh*t. Second, I get too distracted looking at this blue glowing band floating through the air that I lose track of where I'm at and walk into absolutely everything. Maybe I should take it off and throw it away before it's the end of me. It's a good thing I don't wear it on race day. Later in the night after the sun goes down I'd be making laps and all of a sudden you'd see me swerve straight into the wall. Spotter comes on the radio... "what happened there Mario Andretti?" I'd respond, "this damn glowing bracelet!"
Gotta give a quick shout out to my boy Add Em for finally watching The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. First day that comes out I am soooo buying it. And yea I want those shoes too Add Em.
By the way... First person that can tell me what the title of this blog comes from I'll give you $2. Let's say by Sunday night at midnight. You've got to be somebody I know. Post in the comment section.
The professor for this class is sooo funny. He is THE biggest dork in the world. Finance is his life. He literally spends all his free time on the web monitoring the world of finance. He'll be like, "well just a couple hours ago Winn-Dixie went bankrupt." I'd turn to my friend Kristen and we'd just start laaaaughing. Today he made such a fool of himself. His overhead marker dies on him, so he takes a couple steps toward the trash and tosses the marker all smooth like half way across the room..... Completely misses the can by like 8 feet. I mean it wasn't even close! It just looked so silly... and I was laughing really hard... on the inside...
For some reason I've been wearing this cheeky little blue bracelet that glows in the dark. It really amuses me. I'll be walking into a room that's pitch black and be thinking "Hey my bracelet will light the way!" Well first of all it's not nearly bright enough to light up jack sh*t. Second, I get too distracted looking at this blue glowing band floating through the air that I lose track of where I'm at and walk into absolutely everything. Maybe I should take it off and throw it away before it's the end of me. It's a good thing I don't wear it on race day. Later in the night after the sun goes down I'd be making laps and all of a sudden you'd see me swerve straight into the wall. Spotter comes on the radio... "what happened there Mario Andretti?" I'd respond, "this damn glowing bracelet!"
Gotta give a quick shout out to my boy Add Em for finally watching The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. First day that comes out I am soooo buying it. And yea I want those shoes too Add Em.
By the way... First person that can tell me what the title of this blog comes from I'll give you $2. Let's say by Sunday night at midnight. You've got to be somebody I know. Post in the comment section.
two dollars?!?!? cheap basstard!
Anonymous, at 4/29/2005 12:38 AM
You also forgot that while your on the radio with your spotter, you will be hearing "WHATTTT? YEAAA! and OOOOKKK!" over and over... that may make you crash too.. just an observation haha
Anonymous, at 4/29/2005 12:45 AM
Yeeeea It's probably a good thing I don't have a radio at this level of racing. YOU'D be the end of me.
And yes only $2... I was thinking $5 at first but I thought, wait... someone might actually be on the same wavelength as me.
Slick, at 4/29/2005 10:23 AM
"Later in the night after the sun goes down I'd be making laps and all of a sudden you'd see me swerve straight into the wall."
here is what i was thinking when i read this: Maybe you should wear the bracelet, cuz when you wreck when the rescue crew comes over to get you in the rubble they will see this little glowing band and would be able to find you easier.
and that title makes me think of a bugs bunny episode, which i used to watch a lot back in the day (like 1-2 years ago :-P)
Anonymous, at 4/29/2005 11:48 AM
YES!! Brilliant No Turn, I didn't think about the rescue crew needing to find me! That's great.
Also, that is precisely why the reward was only $2. The title indeed comes from Bugs Bunny. I remember that line so well for some reason. If they still had bugs on TV I would sooo watch it all the time. I was thinking if anyone could have guessed it, it would be you.
Slick, at 4/29/2005 5:13 PM
The bracelet bringing the rescue crew to ya is a good point, BUT wrecking the car is not... how bout we just put some shiny tape on your helmet, that could be fun too. AND it would distract the other drivers... well the ones behind you at least, everyone in front of you would be long gone haha!
Anonymous, at 4/30/2005 1:40 AM
I have a question. Are there any old people that race, and drive the entire race with their blinker on?
Anonymous, at 4/30/2005 2:06 PM
HAHAAAA!! Even brillianter. Something shiney where I can't see it!
My uncle's old... but no blinker on the racecar.... but if there was... you know it'd be on!
That reminds me... on the way to Birch Run today I saw an old guy in the right lane on the highway slam on his brakes and swerve to the left into the "authorized vehicles only" thing. He did this riiight in front of like 5 cars in both lanes, including me. It was a miracle no one was hurt.
Slick, at 4/30/2005 3:34 PM
fucking old people, seriously once you hit like 65 you shouldnt drive anymore, andddddddd when you hit like 75, you should be sent out into the middle of the ocean on a life raft to die peacefully
Anonymous, at 5/01/2005 12:38 AM
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