Frat boys, and their dark side of the moon.... *shutter*
Today I was sitting in the packaging study room putting together my lab notebook with my good friend/lab partner and we're having the time of our lives. Yea right! Anyway we should have been working hard most the afternoon but finally he's like, screw this, man lets go to the Lugnuts game. Sooo of cooourse we quit working and roll out to watch the good ole Lugnuts and drink some beers for $2 a pop. (Pop?? No.... it was beer not pop.) Of course as most of you know, when I say have some beers for me it's, have A beer.** (From now on, anytime you ever see "**" at the end of any sentence in my posts it means I'm laughing at myself and what I wrote. I'm sure that will happen an awful lot.**) Anyway, let me get going somewhere with this post.
Sadly the stadium was packed with a lot of frat boys and their pathetic rent a friends, i.e. each other. As I look around I notice all of their girl friends...... It's not a pretty sight. I mean what the crap, do they all decide to just settle because it's more important for their image to have a girlfriend? I don't know about the rest of you but to me that just puts them all even more under suspicion of being gay. (I just heard this for the first time tonight) Go Ramma Ramma Guy!
There's just NO way that I would ever be able to settle. If I'm dating a girl, it's for the long run, and I couldn't marry a girl who one day I'm thinking "she's... ok... kind of cute if I try hard enough." and then other days I'm thinking "man, this girl is... what am I thinking?" I don't know, maybe I'm just picky, but I will say this... Any of you girls out there that are lucky enough to ever get the chance to hang out with me, no worries! You can be sure that you are very cute.
I'm driving my car today and I'm just cruisin through the gears, hit 5th.... then try to shift into 6th. Now I'm driving a Mercury Cougar, and most of you will know.... that car does not have 6 gears. How many of you out there that drive stick ever try to go one too many gears? Hell, I'm fortunate enough to have a 5 speed, but I guess I'm ready for a Corvette with its almost worthless 6th gear. Of course every time I'm going for that "6th" gear I realize I am driving waaay to fast and need to be slowing down a ton as it is. hehe
Took that exam in to get some more points.... picked up 21 percent!!! Is that insane or what??
Sadly the stadium was packed with a lot of frat boys and their pathetic rent a friends, i.e. each other. As I look around I notice all of their girl friends...... It's not a pretty sight. I mean what the crap, do they all decide to just settle because it's more important for their image to have a girlfriend? I don't know about the rest of you but to me that just puts them all even more under suspicion of being gay. (I just heard this for the first time tonight) Go Ramma Ramma Guy!
There's just NO way that I would ever be able to settle. If I'm dating a girl, it's for the long run, and I couldn't marry a girl who one day I'm thinking "she's... ok... kind of cute if I try hard enough." and then other days I'm thinking "man, this girl is... what am I thinking?" I don't know, maybe I'm just picky, but I will say this... Any of you girls out there that are lucky enough to ever get the chance to hang out with me, no worries! You can be sure that you are very cute.
I'm driving my car today and I'm just cruisin through the gears, hit 5th.... then try to shift into 6th. Now I'm driving a Mercury Cougar, and most of you will know.... that car does not have 6 gears. How many of you out there that drive stick ever try to go one too many gears? Hell, I'm fortunate enough to have a 5 speed, but I guess I'm ready for a Corvette with its almost worthless 6th gear. Of course every time I'm going for that "6th" gear I realize I am driving waaay to fast and need to be slowing down a ton as it is. hehe
Took that exam in to get some more points.... picked up 21 percent!!! Is that insane or what??
Wow... so many different topics, soooo incredibly strange and wierd. Anyways, yea thats why you dont go to Lugnut games till after MSU is done, no frat guys, just regular homosuspicious guys. And as for trying to go into 6th... uhhh yea, this isnt the damn race track, slow down hahaha.
Anonymous, at 4/22/2005 3:10 AM
Talking about baseball and then mixing in the "6th" thing makes "going into 6th" sound like some sort of dating code word thing.
"I almost got to 6th last night with her.... but I was shot down."
Slick, at 4/22/2005 5:24 PM
Trying to get into 6th with her... yea my mind is a wandering somewhere bad... DAMNIT! i was doing so good on keeping my mind out of the gutter tonight, no "thats what she said" or anything! oh well
Anonymous, at 4/23/2005 3:23 AM
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