Racing - Auto City Speedway - Week 1
Lets see here I think 13th, 14th.... maybe 15th. I'm not sure, I lost track after the 7th or 8th car passed by me. The 30 lap feature saw me starting 14th after fighting a badly tight racecar (tight - doesn't want to turn and pushes up the racetrack) during qualifying. We got the car dialed in nicely for the heat race and I was ready to rock for the Feature.
At the start of the feature for about the first 3 or 4 laps I was bad fast. From the 14th slot I quickly jumped up to about 9th. I'm just about ready to start picking my way through the rest of the field when the car starts fading on me. I could hold my own and keep anyone from passing me, but I was slowly losing the cars in front of me. I hold on for a while, make it through a couple wrecks that happen up ahead until about lap 18 or 20. All of a sudden it was like someone flipped a switch and my car was absolute junk. I'd dive into the corners and the whole car would jump sideways on me. I just barely hang on for the remaining laps and limp away with a bad finish. I pull off the track and into my pit stall and we discover the root of my handling woes. Somehow I ran something over on the track putting a hole in my right rear tire. Throughout the race I was slowly losing air out of that tire, which of course is a baad thing when it comes to trying to make it through the turns. Oh well, we'll be ready for em next week.
On a lighter note, Jay (my uncle) won his feature event, starting off his final season of his loooong long racing career in the best way possible.
At the start of the feature for about the first 3 or 4 laps I was bad fast. From the 14th slot I quickly jumped up to about 9th. I'm just about ready to start picking my way through the rest of the field when the car starts fading on me. I could hold my own and keep anyone from passing me, but I was slowly losing the cars in front of me. I hold on for a while, make it through a couple wrecks that happen up ahead until about lap 18 or 20. All of a sudden it was like someone flipped a switch and my car was absolute junk. I'd dive into the corners and the whole car would jump sideways on me. I just barely hang on for the remaining laps and limp away with a bad finish. I pull off the track and into my pit stall and we discover the root of my handling woes. Somehow I ran something over on the track putting a hole in my right rear tire. Throughout the race I was slowly losing air out of that tire, which of course is a baad thing when it comes to trying to make it through the turns. Oh well, we'll be ready for em next week.
On a lighter note, Jay (my uncle) won his feature event, starting off his final season of his loooong long racing career in the best way possible.
WOO I CAN COMMENT! Yea your randomness is scary. Anyways, you forgot to talk about your shift lever breaking and your muffler being long gone somewhere on the track... still dont see how the hell that broke off, thought your uncle welded it on good... oh well... let me do it next time, i like playing with welding thingies.
Anonymous, at 4/20/2005 12:26 AM
Trivial little problems compared to the hole in the tire.
Although, with my shifting linkage coming undone if we would have stopped on the track for any reason at all those last 15 laps I would have never got going again, seeing how the car was stuck in low gear. In the middle of the race I happen to glance over and see the lever in the high gear position and thought "thats... not... right." So I reach over (all while doing 100+ plus down the straightaways) and the lever just flops around. Lock nuts will definately be on that linkage this week.
Slick, at 4/20/2005 12:26 PM
"thats....not....right" hahaha its crazy that you have time to think that slowly when you are racing down the track.
Anonymous, at 4/20/2005 2:09 PM
Put metal spikes on your car. You know, like in the movies and cartoons where they pop the opponent's tires, and schreds their cars. I am thinking of the bat-mobile here....
nah-nah-nah-nah nah-nah-nah-nah BATMAN...I mean LEADER! I LOVE the Leader!
Anonymous, at 4/20/2005 2:12 PM
Yea rossy... it was more like "AHHH THATS NOT RIGHT!... AHHHHH!!
Slick, at 4/20/2005 10:08 PM
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