Asylum of the Suicidal Monkey

Friday, March 16, 2007

"Mr. Warlock..." "Huh? Oh... Please... Call me Winter."

I have got to be one of the only people in the world that gets depressed when the weather starts getting warmer. Over the weekend and the beginning of this week we had some freakishly warm days. I thought I was ready for warmer weather to come, but ooooh was I so miserable. I just feel so much more comfortable when it's nice and chilly around. Now, I do prefer having the sun shine, but if it means thermal count me out. I'll take overcast and cold way before an overheated 60.

Fortunately for me I'm now sitting at home quite early on a Friday. In other words, a very unexpected snow storm is hitting us right now and we were sent home from work early. Off to Andy's in Ann Marie's jeep (4 wheel drive + snow = good fun) for CCHA playoffs! Go Green! Guess who's extremely happy again...

You see? The Winter Warlock really DID turn good.


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