In the key of snake charmer...
Lately at work I've been doing a lot of listening to my iPod as I do miscellaneous things. It's awesome for me, it makes my day quite enjoyable. Although sometimes it totally screws me all up. I become engulfed in my own little world, and when someone tries to come by for something it takes me a couple minutes to get with the program.
A couple weeks ago there I was doing whatever, and I think I was really into some Pink Floyd at the time. My counterpart shoots a rubber band over at me to get my attention (it's become our way of signaling each other rather than get up and walk all those 3 looong steps across the alley of cubes). I walk into his cube and he starts talking to me about a project. I'm comprehending every bit of information he's giving me, but there I am standing there with absolutely no expression on my face and looking like I'm just in this bizarre trance. He finally says to me, "dude... are you ok?? What's the deal?" Instantly I kind of shake my head and snap out of it. Realizing how mindlessly absent I must have looked through the whole conversation I respond something like, "Yea yea, everything's cool. Haha. Yea. I'm totally fine." Then we just burst out laughing.
Then there are other times when I'm working at my computer and someone comes into my cube for something. I pull the head phones down and try to get my way through their (usually) very simple request. It takes me a couple minutes to really get with the program and start analyzing just what they're asking and how I can actually assist them. Of course I still get the job done exceptionally well and get them on their way because I'm so awesome (lost sarcastic modesty?). Though I still start off a little spedish.
Ching Ching! Ching Ching!
(1000 points to whoever can guess what song just started in iTunes!)
I remember being back in Michigan one night alone at my parents house. I've got my iPod going while I'm there watching the Red Wings on mute. I'm so completely into the music and into the game. All of a sudden I casually look over toward the open room and my brother appears out of absolutely no where! and he's wearing this dark trenchcoat like, um, coat. I just about jumped through the window and had a heart attack (three years early) as he absolutely scared the hell out of me, unexpectedly getting home like that.
"Unregardless" of a few slight issues, I still say it's one of the most useful possessions that I own...
A couple weeks ago there I was doing whatever, and I think I was really into some Pink Floyd at the time. My counterpart shoots a rubber band over at me to get my attention (it's become our way of signaling each other rather than get up and walk all those 3 looong steps across the alley of cubes). I walk into his cube and he starts talking to me about a project. I'm comprehending every bit of information he's giving me, but there I am standing there with absolutely no expression on my face and looking like I'm just in this bizarre trance. He finally says to me, "dude... are you ok?? What's the deal?" Instantly I kind of shake my head and snap out of it. Realizing how mindlessly absent I must have looked through the whole conversation I respond something like, "Yea yea, everything's cool. Haha. Yea. I'm totally fine." Then we just burst out laughing.
Then there are other times when I'm working at my computer and someone comes into my cube for something. I pull the head phones down and try to get my way through their (usually) very simple request. It takes me a couple minutes to really get with the program and start analyzing just what they're asking and how I can actually assist them. Of course I still get the job done exceptionally well and get them on their way because I'm so awesome (lost sarcastic modesty?). Though I still start off a little spedish.
Ching Ching! Ching Ching!
(1000 points to whoever can guess what song just started in iTunes!)
I remember being back in Michigan one night alone at my parents house. I've got my iPod going while I'm there watching the Red Wings on mute. I'm so completely into the music and into the game. All of a sudden I casually look over toward the open room and my brother appears out of absolutely no where! and he's wearing this dark trenchcoat like, um, coat. I just about jumped through the window and had a heart attack (three years early) as he absolutely scared the hell out of me, unexpectedly getting home like that.
"Unregardless" of a few slight issues, I still say it's one of the most useful possessions that I own...
money → pink floyd?
jerfgoke, at 4/04/2007 2:36 PM
Ooooooh, Gokey... Fans on the shot and throws it off the post. (surprisingly close)
"Money" would equal maybe something like "Cling Clang Ching."
If No Turn or Johnny G would get on they would know it in a second.
Slick, at 4/04/2007 3:50 PM
"I've got a bike you can ride it if you'd like..."
Try again Goke with that as a hint :-P
Andy, at 4/05/2007 12:36 AM
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