You ARE Freakin Out... Man!
2:50ish... AM.
Having downed two tablespoons of nutmeg ("lightly" dusted on wheat thins by the way) about 3 or so hours ago, I am now feeling indescribably odd. The bright flashes of lights in the room when I turn my head keep dancing around my mind when I close my eyes like the eyes of the Cheshire cat from the movie I watched about 6 hours ago Alice In Wonderland. Wait... my eyes are open still. And I'm still turning my head. And Alice In Wonderland Is still playing on the TV. But the TV seems to be muted, and loudly in the background I hear music. It's Pink Floyd. Is that The Wall? The Wizard of Oz??? Where did that come from? I could have sworn I was just watching Alice running from the cards and the queen of hearts. Wait a tick... the TV isn't even on, and my eyes are still closed. Mind calling body, come in body... OPEN YOUR EYES!!!! Wait I know. OPEN SESAME!! Annnd opened. What's this little white thing rolling around on the ground? It looks like it's stuck now. It seems to be trying to jump over something, but it just can't quite make it. Wait. I'm awake, and it's really late at night, and... RUDY!! Get away from your pillow!!! Goofy dogs... I'm freakin going to bed. I hope I don't feel like I've got the flu the next couple days like most everyone on the internet says happens. Whatever. Live and learn.....?
Having downed two tablespoons of nutmeg ("lightly" dusted on wheat thins by the way) about 3 or so hours ago, I am now feeling indescribably odd. The bright flashes of lights in the room when I turn my head keep dancing around my mind when I close my eyes like the eyes of the Cheshire cat from the movie I watched about 6 hours ago Alice In Wonderland. Wait... my eyes are open still. And I'm still turning my head. And Alice In Wonderland Is still playing on the TV. But the TV seems to be muted, and loudly in the background I hear music. It's Pink Floyd. Is that The Wall? The Wizard of Oz??? Where did that come from? I could have sworn I was just watching Alice running from the cards and the queen of hearts. Wait a tick... the TV isn't even on, and my eyes are still closed. Mind calling body, come in body... OPEN YOUR EYES!!!! Wait I know. OPEN SESAME!! Annnd opened. What's this little white thing rolling around on the ground? It looks like it's stuck now. It seems to be trying to jump over something, but it just can't quite make it. Wait. I'm awake, and it's really late at night, and... RUDY!! Get away from your pillow!!! Goofy dogs... I'm freakin going to bed. I hope I don't feel like I've got the flu the next couple days like most everyone on the internet says happens. Whatever. Live and learn.....?
you get more and more strange everytime you post.
Anonymous, at 5/21/2006 2:08 AM
In low doses, nutmeg produces no noticeable physiological or neurological response. Large doses of 7.5 g or more are dangerous, potentially inducing convulsions, palpitations, nausea, eventual dehydration, and generalized body pain. In amounts of 1.0 g or more it is a mild to medium hallucinogen, producing visual distortions and a mild euphoria similar to that derived from Marijuana. Nutmeg contains chemicals called MAO inhibitors which disable the brain's ability to stop amines, found in most common foods, from affecting the brain and body. A test was carried out on the substance which showed that, when ingested in large amounts, Nutmeg takes on a similar chemical make-up to MDMA (ecstasy). However, use of nutmeg as a recreational drug is unpopular, because of its strong taste and sand like texture. Also there are potential painful physical side effects, the risk of Nutmeg Psychosis (see below) and the inconveniently long span for which the effects of a single dose can persist. A user will not experience a peak until approximately six hours after ingestion, and effects can linger for up to three days afterwards. Any unpleasant side-effects would persist throughout this period.
A risk of any large-quantity ingestion of Nutmeg is the sudden onset of Nutmeg Psychosis, an acute psychiatric disorder marked by hallucinations, excitement, thought disorder, a sense of impending death and agitation. Some cases have resulted in hospitalization and reportedly few who have experienced the effects of nutmeg poisoning recommend it or repeat the experience.
Even in smaller doses, Nutmeg can still be toxic. Ingestion of as little as 5 g may cause dry mouth, fast pulse, fever and flushing. It has amphetamine-like effects and may lead to the ingestion of large volumes of water. There is no specific antidote; the adverse effects wear off after 24 hours (or more) of rest.
Nutmeg is extremely toxic when injected intravenously. Nutmeg can also cause liver damage if used regularly in large quantities. Nutmeg has in the past been used as an abortifacient. Nutmeg may also be fatal if used regularly in large quantities, but this is not a problem while cooking, since small amounts are used.
Anonymous, at 5/22/2006 4:08 AM
Did you really do it?
Anonymous, at 5/22/2006 10:30 PM
No comment...
Slick, at 5/23/2006 10:08 PM
I don't believe it... need proof
Anonymous, at 5/24/2006 4:03 PM
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